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Learning in community benefits students

June 12, 2018


A new program at Saint Mary’s for undergraduate students provides opportunities for learning in a dynamic and transformational community. Inspired by the First Generation Initiative model and its strategies of providing academic, financial, social, and cultural support to scholars, the First Generation Initiative Office has collaborated with the Student Success Center to create the Cardinal Success Program. The Cardinal Success Program serves academically motivated students who benefit from membership in a dedicated learning community. Students invited to the Cardinal Success Program have a strong work ethic, are community-minded, and hold leadership characteristics. The Cardinal Success Program and the First Generation Initiative are strategically serving and unifying students who have similar needs but come from different areas and backgrounds. Students in these programs will participate in a number of community and academic events together, with the support of the Student Success Center, the Education Department, and the First Generation Initiative Office, and also have access to academic support, including:

  • Guided study hall with academic coaches, Writing Studio tutors, and peer mentors
  • Literacy labs facilitated through two of their first-year courses
  • Academic advising and coaching
  • First-year course plan with choices
  • Instruction in reading and writing for college, study skills, and time management
  • Workshops in academics and professionalism

Cardinal Success Program students who demonstrate an effort to meet standards outlined by the program are eligible for a $500 tuition credit per semester, totaling $1,000 for their first year at Saint Mary’s. Students can ask about program availability, but spaces are limited at this time.