Message from the Student Senate president - Saint Mary's University of Minnesota Skip to Main Content

September 3, 2020

People and Culture

To my fellow Cardinals,

Student Senate, in conjunction with Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC) and Student Activities Committee (SAC), will be launching an “I Pledge” social media campaign within the next week, and I implore you to join us in pledging:

“I pledge to protect my friends and fellow Cardinals.
I pledge to avoid overcrowded bars and house parties.
I pledge to mask up wherever I am.
Because we can be here for the semester.”

My goal, and I hope yours as well, is to be learning, living, and eating together in Winona for the entire semester. I strongly believe, if followed, these three actions will drastically help us accomplish that.

Although the campaign will not officially launch for a few days, you can start pledging now by filling out this form.

I hope you consider joining me as we aim to keep our campus safe. Thank you for your continued efforts toward reaching our shared goal!

Kendall Archer
Student Senate President